TO DO LIST FOR WORLD DESIGN $Id: world_todo.txt,v 1.1 1998/04/21 07:53:29 namhas Exp $ Now those who are not able to code majik4 can have something else to do, like designing the world without strict deadlines. Creating working and realistic world with mythology, cities, people and history takes considerable amount of time, but that doesn't mean that the one who takes this job is allowed to idle all the time and quickly draw some kind of stupid map and place some randomly generated names to random places and call them cities. It is needed to do something _every day_, otherwise this turns to similar problem which we had in majik3. Ondoval used _many_ months to create one simple map which isn't even complete! We need to create world of quality almost similar to worlds like Krynn, Middle Earth and so on. We are not creating world like other lesser muds have, we are creating a COMPLETE WORLD! This is extremely difficult and time-consuming task, but this is needed to do well because we decided to create world by ourself, and not to use worlds that are already ready. IMHO, name Majik is not really appropriate name for the world. If we can invent better name, then it's good. Then we need to draw the map, or actually maps, name the places, continents, seas, place the cities and other special places. At least two continents far away from each other is suggested. We need also to think better mythology for gods and for each city we need some kind of story, and define the areas owned by some race, or individual emperor or something. Things like lava ocean of Sinister is highly suggested. In no case, we are not going to copy _anything_ from other worlds, we are doing all by ourself. If we copy even the slightest idea from other worlds, then the mortals who know the world where the idea is copied will have feeling about Majik being only crappy collection of ripoffs. Your admin, Namhas.