OFFLINE PLAYERS $Id: offline_player.txt,v 1.1 1998/04/22 09:08:11 namhas Exp $ If the player quits in majik3 the system says that the character goes sleeping and when coming back, the character wakes up. While the character is sleeping it will age but nothing else. No-one can see the character after the player has quited the game. To make cities realistic we need to populate them with large amount of NPCs, with generic short descriptions like "a citizen is walking here" and more boring long descriptions. All the people looks rather same. They are just for being killed, nothing else. So, as we have thousands of players registered, why we can't use them as stupid NPC characters when they are not online? They could have better descriptions, be more smarter and the best, someone could actually know some of the citizens! They could also decide theirself where they live and what they will do, without needing any artificial code to decide such things. By this system, we will not need NPCs at all! Only NPCs we will need are the monsters, and the monsters are rather unique. After created, they will live, after killed, they will be removed :) Same for our PCs, after killed, they are dead, but they can be resurrect also. Monsters can be resurrect too, if the player character manages to get their corpse and raise it. Your admin, Namhas.