MAJIK IV $Id: majik4.txt,v 1.1 1998/04/08 11:06:07 namhas Exp $ There has been 3 manifestations of Majik. First, we had a circlemud and we were just learning the system and testing everything. It didn't work quite well thus we started Majik again from scratch with more experience and so we created possibly one of the best circlemuds ever, we even had 'ls' command in it! We are now in almost same situation as Majik I was once, we started to create the majik we have currently online without any previous experience, all was new and thus we wanted to try everything, withou concentrating on planning at all. We didn't know the problems that might arise in the development. Now, as we are converting Majik III to new gridmap system we need to recode most parts of the mudlib in any case, including all areas, all skills, all spells, all commands and so on. So, why we just don't start everything from scratch and fix the design problems and the lack of organizing along with other problems. If we start from beginning we can concentrate on developing the base system and avoid the 'collapsing tower' phenomena. Majik III would stay as an idea exchange place where mortals, idle wizzes and others could talk, idle and suggest ideas. Majik IV would be closed for public and open only for dedicated mudlib coders, no area coders or others are allowed because areas doesn't really belong to the necessary code we need to have in the base system. Optimistic estimate of the time needed to get Majik IV to the beta phase is approximately, hopefully, only few months, if everything goes as we wanted it to go. When we have Majik IV in the beta phase we can get our area coders, idle wizzes, mortals and others back and continue the development. Everything works much better if we have working base system under us. Wizzes who will be left to Majik III can use Majik III as testsuite, plan ideas, test ideas, implement ideas and whatever that is appropriate. Planning and testing is encouraged since when the code from Majik III is taken to Majik IV it requires recoding in most cases. Develop your coding skills while dedicated mudlib coders are coding the base in Majik IV. Majik IV will be sort of offline coding project. The project is handled by CVS (Concurrent Version System) thus allowing many developers make modifications to same code simultaneously without conflicts. Every time when some file is modified a log entry will be made. The discussion between developers will be handled using a mailing list. Non-developers and mortals can also join to that list. Every developer in Majik IV has copy of the lib and server at home, and there will be no place where anyone could connect. The address 23 will still lead to Majik III. For now, dazzt, me and yorkaturr will be coding Majik IV, we consider taking harum also, and maybe someone else who is skilled, diligent and *reliable* enough. Your admin, Namhas.