Beregar gave some ideas concerning druid spells/skills Subject: druidin spellei Date: Sat, 7 Mar 1998 16:56:39 +0200 (EET) From: Kim Kunnas To: Joo en jaksanu rukata tota filee kuntoon et asettele itte jos et saa selvaa :)..niisson sit karmeen huonoo enklanttia ja varmaan typoi...sit on sellasii mitka ei ole laheskaan taydellisia (no suurin osa:) NATURE AWARENESS Commune with nature Tells you direction of place memorized by location memory or place of target and will give you estimation of length to target. Guardian trees Animates one to three trees which can be used as guardians. If some creature enters area trees will alert caster and attack target if ordered so. Nature awareness Melds your senses with surrounding nature and allows your mind to travel from room to room revealing all objects and/or creatures wheter they are invisible or not. Greater druids can also trigger this spell which is launched when som one enters area where it is casted. Locate Plant Tells location of closest plant targetted. Locate Shelter Tells you location of closest indoor area. Locate Terrain Tells you location of wanted terrain type. NATURE SUMMONINGS Call Beast Allows you call beast which will act friendly against you and may help you if understands you. These beast will make certain tasks, depending on your relationship to beast type. They can guard some places or creatures (if suc cesful; ability in spell, enviroment and relationship to beasts race affects, but maximium 1 rl week) and can carry things, spy and defend caster. NOTE! If player calls beast of same type very often it will came his/her fami liar and is very easy to call or sometimes might even come without calling if player is in area where beast exists. Also if familiar dies there will be some penalty. Call Bird Allows you call bird of some following type depending on your skill in spell and your enviroment. These birds can carry stuff from place to another and can also act as your spies in targetted location, but only if they understand you. Name FOREST OPEN HILLS/MOUNTAIN Sparrow x x x Hawk x x x Eagle x x Roc x (can carry player and needs at least Great skillrank) NOTE! If player calls bird of same type very often it will came his/her fami liar and is very easy to call or sometimes might even come without calling if player is in area where bird exists. Also if familiar dies there will be some penalty. Call Mount Allows you call mount which can carry you or some other creature to location you decide (if yourself you can go where ever you want, if some other it can carry target to location memorized by you), mount will obey only it's caller so only caller can command it, mount will defend itself and rider if attacked but will not attack itself except if it's summoners familiar. MISC SPELLS Animal Sleep Put's one animal in deep sleep. Control animal Let's you control movement of animal in same room with you. NOTE! If you try to control beast and fail you better run unless you have some way to prevent it attacking you. Cube of Elements Conjures large amounts of cold/warm air in the area causing damage to all enemies in area of cube. Damage type depens on climate. Entangle Causes underbushes to quickly grow and entangle target in their grasp. Effects varie from inability to move to total loss of all movement. NOTICE! If you cast this in forest area or area where is much underbushes you have greater chance to entangle target completelly but don't bother to try cast it in glaciers or rivers. Also if casted in forest there is a small chance that target is damaged by thorns or other spikes. Identify plant Will give caster all information about plant Nature's lure Enhances area so that all creatures who enter there must resist or put in deep sleep until waken or spell effect ends, won't harm caster. Leaf Shadow Makes trees and other hight plants shelter area making it's darker. NOTE!: Works only in forests and maybe swamps. Ripen Speeds plants natural life cycle Helps farmers :) Shape nature Allows you change description of curren room, but only slightly for example if there are trees you can add desc to them etc. Treegate Allows druid to travel through forest areas to memorized location which must be forest. Quicksand Offers poor victim a trip to hell if can't get out and fast. Work only in deserts. NATURE WALLS Nature's Barrier Creates artificial indoor enviroment which shields area from all surrounding weather effects. Wall of earth Summons a wall of earth which can block exits to certain direction(s). It can be destroyed by damaging it with weapons, bludgeon type weapons have greater effect than blade type weapons and will cause damage to blade weapons. Wall can not be harmed by any other way. Wall of plants Raises a thick plant wall which can block exits to certain direction(s). It can be destroyed by damaging it ? points, using fire makes double damage. NATURE ENCHANTMENTS Air shield Creates invisible barrier in front of target, gives a little shielding Animal speak Let's you and animal connect your minds together granting ability to under stand each other. Barkskin Surrounds target with barks, good defense improvement but lessens dex. Beast stamina Makes you regen hp/ep faster and enchances your ability to walk Better spell chance = better effect. Cold resistance Gives you resistance to cold damage. Better spell chance= better effect. Eyes of hawk Gives you night vision and greater ability to find hiding players/monsters. Better spell chance = better effect. Heat resistance Gives you resistance to fire damage. Better spell chance = better effect. Nature's Mask Caster melds in to surrounding area, caster will remain unseen until moved or revealed by some other way. Stone skin Covers target with protective stone layer which gives very good defense, but reduces dex greatly. Wind walking Gives a caster and his/her party ability to cross deep rivers and mountains without swim skill and climbing set. Spell makes fighting imposible and lasts until caster ends it or duration ends. NATURES HEALS Create healing herb enhances normal plant with healing powers of nature. will restore little hp and ep. COMPONENT!: plant Create water source creates water source which will last from 10min's to year depending on terrain type and your ability in this spell. Healing waters Enhances rivers/water bottles/water sources with healing powers of nature. speeding up targets regeneration rate. bottles will last until quaffed and rivers and water sources from 10min to year. effect's will last about 10 min. Helps regen limbs too if not totally lost. COMPONENT!: Water source Nature's feast Satiates and refreshes target. Nature's cure Heals target's hp and ep little to serious mebbe sp too and all stat losses (if there are any) and removes poison. heavily affected by your skill in this spell. ALL FOLLOWING SPELLS SHOULD TAKE LOTSA TIME TO CAST AND THEY SHOULD AFFECT IN LARGE AREAS AND MAKE SERIOUS DAMAGE. Animate trees Allows druid to animate certain area of forest. All trees in that area will attack against druid's damaging them or entangling them. NOTE! This spell heavily depends on druids ability in this spell and know ledge in plants. Earthquake Creates circular area of shockwaves around caster, these waves do not make anything in the room where druid is, but instead surrounding rooms, area of effect and strenght of earthquake depends on druids knowledge in this skill. Of course effect is strongest in rooms nearby druid and lesser in farer rooms. Summon clouds Allows druid to summon different kind of clouds in the sky. Also don't suspect to see rain clouds if it's winter or hot summer day. NOTICE! these clouds will fade away quickly since they are called and controlled by druid, and are not normal weather effects. Summon rain Allows druid to call rain/snow depending on season if there are any clouds in the sky. NOTICE! This rain/snow won't last too long since it's called and controlled by druid and is not normal weather effect. Summon storm Allows druid to summon hurricane winds and heavy rain/blizzard from clouds depending on current season. Blizzard storms are especially dangerous since there will be many small ice blocks which can cause signifigant damage to all those who are on the area of effect. If you summoned a lightning storm there will be a little chance that lightning strikes somebody from clouds above. If used in desert this spell summons a sandstorm which prevents seeing and causes damage to all who are inside area of effect NOTICE! This spell like all weather summoning spells is summoned and control- led by druid and won't last very long. Call lightning If there is rain storm or lightning storm going you will be able to call lightning to strike target. Remember that there is a great chance that lightning hits some other target than target you wanted it hit to. Your skill in this spell affects highly your chance of hittin right target. Summon fog Summons a thick fog which reduces sight greatly. All beings inside fog won't see anything and propably will be lost in fog until it's vanishes. NOTICE! Fog will not stay long in sunny places or in heavy wind. Whirlwind Summons a whirlwind which will wander randomly, if not controlled, in nearby areas, those who are hit by whirlwind will be carried random rounds with it and are hitted every round with objects making ? amount of damage. Your skill in this spell affects duration, size and your ability to control whirlwind. NOTE! This spell will propably destroy breakable items it hits or carries with it and might scatter them to surrounding areas. Also there should be somekind of warning when whirlwind is near. DRUDIN SKILLEI Animal Lore Helps you regognize animals and helps in animal summonings Plant Lore Helps you regognize plants, helps all spells concerning plants/herbs etc but wont tell what effects plant/herb has. Location memory Let's you memorize locations. The amount of locations in memory is based in you ability in this skill. Knowledge of weather Let's you cast weather spells more efficiently joo toshan noita oli..vilases - Beregar