DESCRIPTION STYLE GUIDE $Id: description.txt,v 1.1 1998/04/08 11:06:06 namhas Exp $ set_name(({ real, stranger })); for example: set_name (({ "dwarvish iron helm", "hard hat" })); First the player will see it as a hard hat until identified, the player will see it always as dwarvish iron helm, until forgot or similar spell is cast upon the player. Short description is optional on items, as well as set_id() is. There is few id's automatically determined: hard hat, hard and hat if not identified and if identified then ids will match to dwarvish iron helm, dwarvish iron, iron helm, helm, iron and so on. "a", "an" and "the" is automatically added to name, depending on the situation. "blessed" and "cursed" status, as well as everything other special statues are added to item's _short description_ when identified. Only the player knowing the item will see those. Therefore, using short description is not really suggested on items. For example if we have the item identified and item is lying on the floor, just below character's feet the short description is: "a cursed dwarvish iron helm is lying here." If the item is artifact, then we can add set_artifact("First One"); then the item will have unique artifact name as First One. For our example item it would be: "a cursed dwarvish iron helm "First One" is lying here." Artifact is then really artifacts. Artifacts can't be destroyed, and they are gifts from the gods. There can be two same artifacts in the game. Artifacts should always have very high price, even if they are powerless. It is possible to sacrifice artifacts to gods, but not to the god whose gift it was. Artifact is known only after identifying. Your admin, Namhas.