Comments are welcome. You can leave them to this document like this: [drg]: This thing sucks. Please note that this is by no means the final version and therefore it doesn't include everything there is to combat. Combat System Effectiveness of character's combat ability is determined by three factors: 1) The maneuver he is using. 2) The weapon he is using. 3) The armour he is using. Maneuver has got these attributes: 1) Offense 2) Damage 3) Defense 4) Protection 5) Fatique 6) Weapon Types 7) Speed Weapon has got these attributes: 1) Offense 2) Damage 3) Defense 4) Encumbrance 5) Speed Armour has got these attributes: 1) Offense 2) Defense 3) Protection 4) Encumbrance Explanations of these attributes Damage: Damage determines how effective the character's attack is. Defense: Defense determines how difficult the character is to hit. Offense: Offense determines how easily the character hits. Protection: Protection determines how hard the character is to hurt. Fatique: Fatique determine how tiring the maneuver is. Encumbrance: Determines how much the item weighs. Weapon Types: This attribute determines how many different weapon types can be used with the maneuver. Speed: Speed determines how quickly the character can attack. Maneuvers, Weapons and Armour are built by using points. Weapon Types is used as an example at the table below. Cost Class Types +16 1 7 (all?) +8 2 6 +4 3 5 +2 4 4 +1 5 3 +0 6 2 -1 7 1 -2 8 - -4 9 - -8 10 - -16 11 - Cost: To balance the game all the maneuvers (and likewise weapons and armour) should cost the same amount of points. Maneuver Cost: 7 points Weapon Cost: 5 points Armour Cost: 4 points Example Maneuvers ----------------- Elven Lightning Trollish Crusher Class Cost Class Cost Offense: 5 +1 4 +2 Defense: 4 +2 8 -2 Damage: 5 +1 4 +2 Protection: 9 -4 8 -2 Fatique: 8 -2 5 +1 Weapon Types: 7 -1 8 -2 Speed: 2 +8 5 +1 Mercenary's Standard Thief's Circle Class Cost Class Cost Offense: 5 +1 2 +8 Defense: 4 +2 3 +4 Damage: 5 +1 2 +8 Protection: 4 +2 10 -8 Fatique: 6 +0 10 -8 Weapon Types: 6 +0 7 -1 Speed: 5 +1 3 +4 Elven Lightning: Very quick, fairly exhausting maneuver which does good damage and offers good defense. If opponent hits, it is gonna hurt because defense is open. It can only be performed with a one handed sword. Trollish Crusher: The favourite of old Mokrar. It is a simple bash with a huge slub (either one or two handed) It hits fairly well and does hurt a lot when it does hit. Mercenary's Standard: Mercenary's Standard is used by those mercenaries who know that they are mortals. Therefore they protect themselves pretty well and hit their opponent with steady hits with their sword which can be either one or two handed. Thief's Circle: This extremely tiring maneuver is a surprise move. It can be used to circle behind your opponent's back and stabbing him hard with your dagger. It is very quick to perform but if your opponents gets a strike through your circle say your life goodbye. Weapon Examples: ---------------- Elven Scimitar Troll Maul Class Cost Class Cost Offense 5 +1 4 +2 Damage 5 +1 4 +2 Defense 5 +1 6 +0 Encumbrance 5 +1 6 +0 Speed 5 +1 5 +1 Greatsword Curved Dagger Class Cost Class Cost Offense 6 +0 7 -1 Damage 2 +8 7 -1 Defense 6 +0 7 -1 Encumbrance 8 -2 6 +0 Speed 7 -1 2 +8 Martial Arts will use Maneuver bonuses as Weapon Bonuses. Total X Bonus = Average of all X Bonuses