I don't know the status on the coding project so I have no idea how or if this idea is possible, rational or useful. Currently gridmap rooms look rather stupid: a sausage-shaped room of 17x39 squares will have the exact same description everywhere within itself if it is one room - the player's position in the room affects nothing. My idea is to make the gridmap room descriptions be composed of little parts, which are combined with each other to form varying long descs within one room. Example gridmap room layout: ####### #.....# #.>...# #.....# #.....# ####### This room would have the following fragments forming the description: 1. Basic room description, visible everywhere in the room "You are in a gloomy test gridmap room(F1)(F2) It is cold here. \n" Fragment 1 (F1), visible if player's location in gridmap is x = 1 or 5 and y = 1 or 4, in other words next to a wall: ", next to a cold stone wall that shoots up into the darkness - the " +"ceiling is too high for you to see. " Fragment 2 (F2), when player is in coordinates next to the staircase: "There is a staircase leading down near you. " If player is NOT next to a wall, Fragment 1 will not be added to the description seen by the player, and if he is NOT next to the staircase, he won't see the mention of staircase. You get the point. If the player is standing in gridmap coords x = 1, y = 2, ie. between the wall and the staircase, the desc would look like "You are in a gloomy test gridmap room, next to a cold stone wall that shoots up into the darkness - the ceiling is too high for you to see. There is a staircase leading down near you. It is cold here. " Darshan 210598.