Money and Resources ------------------- Some terms ---------- Saved Resource Pool(SRP) Saved when player quits / enters Current Resource Pool(CRP) Not ever saved. At boot set to CONSTANT - Saved Resource Pool Reduced when game creates items and increased when game destroys items. Can never be reduced below 0. (Item is not created if it's resource use is greater than current CRP) Player Item Save File --------------------- (Saving Date) Used to determine how much 'rent' the character must pay upon return. Maximum Date The date afterwards all the player's items are erased from Saved Resource Pool. Saved Resources How much resources does the player have saved. Saved item data What items, condition and so on. Example (CONSTANT in this example is 1000) ------- SRP CRP Change Value Change Value Game boots(1st time) +0 0 +1000 1000 1st Player enters the game (0R) +0 0 +0 1000 Game creates a sword(25R) +0 0 -25 975 Player gets the sword +0 0 +0 975 Player saves +0 0 +0 975 Game creates a shield(50R) +0 0 -50 925 Player gets the shield +0 0 +0 925 Game crashes - - - =>0 Game reboots(2nd time) +0 0 +1000 1000 Player enters the game +0 0 +0 1000 Game creates sword(25R) +0 0 -25 975 Player gets the sword +0 0 +0 975 Player saves +0 0 +0 975 Game creates a shield(50R) +0 0 -50 925 Player gets the shield +0 0 +0 925 Player quits(75R Total) +75 75 +0 925 Game crashes - - - =>0 Game reboots +0 75 +925 925 Player enters the game(75R) -75 0 +0 925 Player's Sword destroyed(25R) +0 0 +25 950 Player quits(50R Total) +50 50 +0 950 Game crashes - - - =>0 Game reboots +0 50 +950 950 Game creates a lot of stuff(925R) +0 50 -925 25 Game tries to create a shield(50R) +0 50 Not possible because CRP value is lower than required resources. Shield is not created. A sword is destroyed(25R) +0 50 +25 50 Game tries to create a shield(50R) +0 50 -50 0 A shield is destroyed(50R) +0 50 +50 50 A coin is created +0 50 -1 49 Several players quit +900 950 +0 49 Game reboots +0 950 +50 50 Low Resources Noticed/ Robber Activated -250 700 +250 300 Item save files worth 250R deleted Low Resources options: Increased item detoriation (Might produce severe lag) Robber strikes while character sleeps (Saved items disappear in boots until CRP becomes large enough) ---------------------------------------------------------------- - Ari 'Dragonova' Miettinen - EMAIL: - ----------------------------------------------------------------