Magic Skill Tree (short) Skill Root Magic Root Mystic Magic Clerical Healing Heal Wounds Bind Wound Harming Divine Bleeder Touch of Decay Resurrection Raise Dead Sever Soul Demonology Banishing Banish Alu Demon Banish Sinister Binding Control Alu Demon Control Sinister Summoning Summon Alu Demon Summon Sinister Elementalism Air Control Air Elemental Summon Air Elemental Earth Control Earth Elemental Summon Earth Elemental Fire Control Fire Elemental Summon Fire Elemental Water Control Water Elemental Summon Water Elemental Mystic Miscellanea Quickchant Ignore pain Primal Magic Dervish Dances Body Control Dances Deadly Dance Healing Dance Shamanic Spirit Magic Spirit Travel Bind Spirit Heal Spirit Banish Spirit Primal Miscellanea ???? Divine Word Magic Technique Words(5) Alter Control Create Destroy Detect Form Words(10) Animal Air Body Earth Fire Illusion Mind Plant Power Water Power Words(unlimited) Arrow Ball Magic Major Shield Smoke Weapon ... Divine Miscellanea ???? Some explanations: Mystic Magic comes from some source by true and tried ways. Elementalists of Sura know how to control the four elements and how to summon them, Priests of Sinister know that if they praise Sinister enough he will strike down their enemies, Demonologists know a handful of true names of demons and can summon, bind and banish them from this realm. Primal Magic comes from feelings. Shaman drums his drums until he reaches heightened state of awareness, Dervish dances until his deity blesses him, Ascetics fast until their soul is pure etc. Divine Word Magic comes from the words which the gods have used in creating the realm. Divine Word Magic is difficult because the words are different for everybody and you need to pronounce them perfectly to achieve any effect. Additionally you need at least three words to achieve any effect and there is no guarantee that the three words do anything. You might be speaking gibberish. Any player can learn Divine Words by visiting Spheres of Power which are all around the realm. One Sphere can be studies once per person and the Word which you learn is random. Notes The Spheres of Power can be slowly moved by players and therefore fights may erupt over control of a Sphere of Power. Some players may try to monopolize Spheres and prevent others from studying from them. This may lead into wars and alliances (and therefore increase role-playing aspect of the game) Some Example Spells of Divine Word Magic(effect) Control-Destroy-Fire-Shield (Resistance against Fire) Control-Create-Fire-Shield (Resistance against Cold) Control-Destroy-Fire-Major-Shield (Invulnerability against Fire) Control-Create-Fire-Major-Shield (Invulnerability against Cold) Control-Destroy-Fire-Power-Magic(Dispel Fire spells) Control-Create-Fire-Power-Magic (Dispel Cold spells) Control-Create-Destroy-Air-Body-Smoke (Creates spreading poisonous smoke) Control-Detect-Power-Magic (Identify Magic spell) Create-Power-Weapon (Enchant Weapon spell) Create-Fire-Arrow (Firebolt spell) Create-Fire-Ball (Fireball spell) Create-Power-Shield (Resistance against Physical damage) Create-Power-Major-Shield (Invulnerability against Physical damage) Destroy-Fire-Arrow (Frostbolt spell) Destroy-Fire-Ball (Frostball spell) Destroy-Power-Weapon (Curse Weapon spell) Destroy-Earth-Weapon (Damage weapon made of metal or stone) Destroy-Plant-Weapon (Damage weapon made of plant materials) Destroy-Power-Shield (Dispel Magical Protection spell) Detect-Power-Magic (Detect Magic spell) Aglok the Human tries to cast something. He has learned several Divine Words. He types: >Words You know following Divine Words: 'Asg' Fair 'Re' Terrible 'Rhu' Mediocre 'War' Terrible 'Tak' Poor 'Raeh' Poor 'Alf' Poor 'Wuklok' Mediocre The player of Aglok doesn't know what the words mean but he attempts to guess some and types >Divine 'asg-rhu-tak' me Divine Magic System translates this (not shown to player) asg = create (technique) rhu = power (form) tak = fire (form) Since you need at least one technique, one form and one power word the spell cannot do anything and only uses mana according to the amounts which the Words typically use. Some time later Asgok tries again and types: >Divine 'asg-war-tak' Magic system translates this again: asg = create (technique) war = arrow (power) tak = fire (form) There is one technique, one form and one power word. This is a possible spell. Mana is used and spell system tries to find the spell: create-fire-arrow. There is such spell and Aslog attempts to cast it. His skill are so poor that he propably fails but he will know that this combination does something. After several tries it finally works once and he knows what spell it is. It takes a lot of practice that he can use it dependably though. He continues his studies and finally attempts >Divine 'asg-tak-raeh' It is translated as: asg = create (technique) tak = fire (form) raeh = ball (power) and therefore Aslok almost scorches himself with his fireball. He may also realize that he used two same Words in both spells and their effect was very similar. He tries several other Words with 'asg-tak' and finally finds out that 'asg-tak-wuklok' creates a wall of fire. With these three spells he becomes quickly known as Aglok the Fire Magus. One day Aglok meets Fandor the Halfling. Aglok decides to show off a bit and Divines 'asg-war-tak' and blasts his firebolt to a tree. Fandor is not impressed. He has also learned several Divine Words during his travels and knows that is he Divines 'Twe-Ugt-Kar' he creates a similar bolt of fire and launches it to the same tree. Aglok raises an eyebrow and decides to really show the obnoxious halfling and Divines 'asg-tak-raeh' and explodes the forest into fire.