undeads in Majik Note: the following ideas are just my own thoughts for the undeads, not agreed rules for them. All comments and questions are welcome. There are two types of undeads: animated (ie. necromantic undeads) and cursed undeads. Necromantic undeads are those that are being animated by a necromancer and cursed ones are those that are being possessed by spirits of some sort. Necromantic undeads are weaker form of undeads and thus are more easily controlled by a necromancer. Skeletons, zombies, ghouls and other weaker undeads are typical examples of necromantic undeads. Cursed undeads are intelligent undeads that are corpses possessed or haunted by spirits of some sort. Usually cursed undeads are evil aligned but not necessarily always. It greatly depends on the past of the dead body (and the spirit of course). "Typical" cursed undeads include vampires, wraiths, spectres and banshees. In Majik, corpses are not supposedly to turn to undeads just like that. Cursed undeads are those creatures as any other creatures, except that they are undeads. Necromantic undeads are those animated back to "life" by magical mean, and necromancer that animate corpses can be both NPC's and player characters. There could be an event or other such occasion where corpses could wake up as undeads, but this should be extremely rare. I would NOT like to see undead rabbits or squirrels which are about as hard as city guard or zombie cows etc. because those ideas are just stupid. Of course, it would be possible for a necromancer to animate a cow, but not as cursed undeads, because those spirits do not want to take a carrion of a cow (or other animal) under their possession. I hope that you all understand what I mean by this. My plans and ideas for undeads are rather nasty and malevolent, at least I think so myself, and that is the reason why I wouldn't like to see too much undeads in the world of Majik. Undeads that I have been designing in my head are mostly types that hate life etc. and therefore are rather fervent to destroy life in general. Almost all undeads have some sort of nasty abilities, but not all of course. Some of the undeads are ethereal and thus cannot be killed just by pure physical means. Some of the undeads possess the ability to steal strength or other physical attributes temporarily, and some of the undeads carry diseases. Of course, undeads have weaknesses as well. They should not, of course, need water, food, air etc. to continue their unholy form of life. Well..here are only some of my ideas and this is rather a general undeads text file than a list of all ideas for their abilites etc. Comment and ask if you bare something in your mind concerning this text. _/_ / Sinister, Lord of the Undead and Leader of demons of Ravendusk