ATTRIBUTES Once more i've described the replacement for current stat system implemented by Ondoval. You've possibly noticed that current stat system is quite boring, all characters of certain race have *same* stats as other players from that race and also stats are stepped by number 5, example: 50, 55, 60, 65 - no exceptions. For monsters we have then stats like 500, 600, 700 etc. I think that is really unrealistic, bat-like and boring. I suggest stat system where player characters can have stats from range 1-99 - in beginning only 3-30. For example starting human hero would have stats of 100-200 points, about 10-20 points/each which are randomly calculated. Of course we can set str to be more powerful for some race and so on but we should set some maximum and minimum stats for each race so we can stay in tune but however we have different characters from one race. So in the config files we would example set the percentage for each stat as we have 10 stats totally a most generic human would have 10% for each stat. If we want his/her/its dexterity to be more powerful than others we could upgrade the percentage and lower other percentages. Then we set a maximum amount of stats. Then all scores are randomly calculated and set to random attributes by the rules of the percentages until the amount of total stats is full. Minimum for each stat however is 3. Hmm or we should can do like this: set_str_percentage (10, 4); So then str would be 10% and minimum 4. Or possibly: set_str_minmax (4, 20); So then minimum would be 4 and maximum 20 without percentage at all, need to think about it more. ANYWAY, you got the idea, didn't you? Maximum stats would be easily calculated by using formula: m = c + (c*100/t/2) where c is current stat and t is total stats and m is maximum stat. Also in future in the game there should be some ways to improve the maximum stat. In that system we would have more space for stat advancement and +1stat eqs should make some effect unlike in old system where only +5stat eqs, usually better have some effect. Let's take some examples, a generic human fighter in Ondoval's stat system is: str 50 / -1 agi 50 / -1 dex 50 / -1 con 50 / -1 stu 50 / -1 int 50 / -1 wis 50 / -1 pow 50 / -1 cha 50 / -1 siz 50 / -1 total: 500 In the new system a generic human fighter would be example: str 18 / 24 agi 13 / 18 dex 14 / 19 con 19 / 26 stu 16 / 22 int 10 / 14 wis 13 / 18 pow 20 / 27 cha 6 / 8 siz 12 / 16 total: 141 Ok, we need new hp/sp/ep formulaes, there they are: hp: ((siz*2)+(str/2)+(pow/3)+(con/2)+(stu*3))*2 == 194 sp: ((pow*2)+(int/2)+(wis/2))*2 == 103 ep: (str+(con*2)+(dex/2))*2 == 126 For regen we need a racial hb tick, so some races have faster heart beat and some slower, so for those with faster has really a faster regen too. Special formulae for regen of course. I've thinked also some descs for stats: str for human: 0-5 sickly weak 5-7 weak 8-9 rather weak 10-12 average 13-15 rather strong 16-17 quite strong 18-21 strong 21-23 very strong 24+ extremely strong Nah, someone else can think about those descriptions :> But, First, We need to decide if we use ondoval's old stat system or replace it with mine? Also we need to dedice how we do those stat descriptions, by percentage of minmax or what? You know, for weak race str 8 is maybe strong but for troll it is sickly weak. Also as we are quite decided to do automagical long descriptions for player characters, should we compare the beholder's stat to target stat and then say if it is stronger or weaker or do we just use some generic table to determine description. Me thinks we also should not add description at all if the stat is just average, it is rather boring to see: "He is a average human male with average muscles and looks averagenly agile and average this and that." To improve quality of descriptions we should also add hair/eye colors and possibly beard too and then we should let 'em to be long or short or whatever. Some special things to description is added then by going some shop and buying it. Taking new color to hair, cutting hair off and such. We need fucking many descriptions for everything and many different hair styles and colors to improve diversity. It is very bad if we see two same descriptions. All players should be rather unique :) -- By Ondoval's system it does not work! ++ Namhas, suggestions very welcome.