- Possible additions to Namhas' spirit world suggestion - Namhas is on the right tracks here, as long as he remembers to include these essential spirit world concepts: Axis Mundi, the Tree of Life that grows, runs and exists through and in the middle of the three worlds, or planes of the spirit world. Described by shamans the source of all the wisdom and inspiration, and life, of course, to the mortal world. This could be an actual, concrete (as opposed to abstract, not as in cement!) tree, or any other "solid" thing in the middle of the spirit worlds. As it is the most sacred item to the shamans, it shouldn't be easily found or accessible in any way, otherwise it's "mundanity" would destroy it's status as the icon of shamanity. It could actually do all sorts of divine stuff but Namhas is is tha shaman afficianado here, let him decide what. Eschaton, 'The End' as it is usually referred. In my opinion, this is the shaman concept of hell but not a fiery one, just an empty, formless spirit world or plane. If I understand it all right, Eschaton is the place where the souls go when one's body dies in the material world (ie. you're destined to Eschaton). So this could really act as hell and would fit really well in the spirit world theme... Only thing is that you're not supposed to come back from Eschaton but I guess we can be flexible in this matter =). -Jah the rastafari king (14.2.98)