SPELLBOOKS The spellbooks will have color based on Sinister's color documentation, but the color is not set by the creator of the spellbook since one spellbook can have many spells on it. The color is on the spell and the color for the spellbook is calculated from the colors in the spells that are stored in spellbooks. Example if we have spellbook that have 3 medium blue spells then the color will be 'blue' and if it contains one medium black spell and 3 medium blue spells then the color may be dark blue. Also the power of the spell will affect example if there is 3 small blue spells and one great black spell then the spellbook will be blackish rather than blue. Short description for the spellbook will be following form: a spellbook "" Example: a dark yellow spellbook "art of polymorphosis" One spellbook can contain up to 1000 pages of spells. All spells have levels of 1-10. 10 is most greatest and 1 is small and powerless. Level 10 spell will take one full book (1000 pages) and when level 1 spell takes only 10 pages. So one spellbook can contain from 10 level 1 spells to 1 level 10 spell. However level 1-10 spells are considered as 'normal' but there is also extremely rare spells that can be over level 10 to infinite level and those spells will take 1000 pages for one level, so if we have level 20 spell it will take 10 books. All spellbooks will be extremely valuable. The cost for spellbook is average level of spells * (pages / 10) gold pieces plus certain % depending on shopkeeper. So if we have full book of level 1 spells the cost is 100 gps and book of level 10 spell is 1000 gps. Spellbooks can be less than 1000 pages long of course and therefore they will weight less. It is automagically determined how many pages is in the book. If we create object with only one level 1 spell then the spellbook will have 100 pages and it will be cheap too only 10 gold pieces. However it is not only 10 gold pieces to pay if user wants to learn one level 1 spell. He needs skills to cast magic and they can cost much in money and time. And also because spellbooks are rare the cost for spellbook can be *much* more expensive. At least in the beginning when there is no many spells. I think we are going to do automagic value calculating for items too if so then price can be still more expensive depending on material and such things, maybe age of item can also affect. Example spellbook would be like this: -- inherit SPELLBOOK; create_spellbook () { set_title ("magical defense"); add_spell ("dispel magic"); add_spell ("shelter"); add_spell ("soul shield"); } -- Above example will create spellbook with short description of: a blue spellbook "magical defense" Containing spells: dispel magic (level 2), shelter (level 4) and soul shield (level 3) It contains (2+4+3)*100 pages == 900 pages (270 gps) and it is readable everyone who knows certain magical skills on certain percent otherwise scary things will happen.