- 1 - Religions.txt v.1.00 In the world of Majik there are many religions that worship certain gods. Each religion has some kind of holy place where the gods can be worshipped. Prayers are ought to be much more effective when done in these holy places. Depend- ing on the power (the level) of the god the size of these holy places vary. The three greater gods each have a cathe- dral that is the most effective of all holy places where the prayers can be read. The gods have a temple at first, but their worshippers can build a cathedral for them (like the greater gods have). Lesser gods have only a small shrine at first but their worshippers can advance it to a temple. Demigods don't have any holy place at all when they become demigods but they can build a statue somewhere that their religion can be "found". The entities of divine origin (ie. all sorts of gods) interact with mortals via their divine power that is measured in "divine points" (dp). The amount of these points depend on many things and the most important are: the level of god, the amount of worshippers and the type and number of holy places in their religion. Points coming from these holy places depend on the size of the holy place, ie. cathedral is worth more than a temple or shrine. The divine points system is not included in this file yet, but as soon as the system for it is ready. The spheres and portfolios of gods. Each god (including demigods) have their own "portfolio", ie. the sphere of control. This portfolio is the sphere of things what god represents. The greater the god, the bigger the sphere of control and so having more control of things. The portfolio can be chosen by the god himself (or herself) but a portfolio has to be "unreserved" which means that a sphere cannot be already controlled by another god. Another restriction when choosing the sphere is that the power of sphere is dependent on the "size" of the god. This means that no demigods or even lesser gods can control the great- est of spheres. Some examples: Greater gods have the greatest of powers under their control like, death, life and balance. Read help_gods.txt for their portfolios. Gods have very much control over the world besides the greater gods and such portfolios the gods could have are: wealth, war, love, diseases, beasts, nature and other such big spheres. Lesser gods have control over smaller things than greater gods or gods. Spheres or portfolios of lesser gods could have: health, happiness and joy, artifacts, beauty and so on. - 2 - Demigods are the smallest of all gods and thus they have the only small spheres of control. Some examples: weapons, forests, serpents and snakes, giants. Demigods are also the racial gods. Note, that each god may have more than one sphere (for exam- ple: a god could have a portfolio that contains battles, combat, war, courage and bravery), but those different port- folios have to be relevant to each other in some way. When choosing a portfolio, contact the greater gods and dis- cuss with them those spheres. All comments, suggestions and questions are welcome. <<< Sinister >>> // 08.09.1997 (text formated by namhas) EOF