File to describe what portfolio each god is holding. To avoid messing up things. If we are to argue about these the portfolios are simply reserved in time-order and by status. All known portfolios for all gods : Greater gods give part of their portfolio to the lesser gods who belong to their alliance. Father Namhas : everything. Sinister : Generally all evil, dark, morbid etc.. death, destruction. Aluna : Generally all good, mercy, light, happiness, health, healing, goodwill, valor, chivalry. Ondoval : Darkness, shadows, murder, assassination, conspiracy, evil plots and dark plans, coppution, "intelligent evil" power-hunger. Dazzt : healing, purification of soul and body. regeneration and regorth also "progress" and recovering. Shinael : Nature, woodlands and trees. Shinael the spirit of nature. Harum : Anger, Hate, dark dungeons, destructive wars and raids, god of orcs Dranil: Utter, destructive Chaos Pook : Order, stability, lawfullness - good, neutral or evil Yorkaturr: Death, nightmares, fear, weakness, disease, accidents Project : the judge, god of justice. Absolute neutral and absolute law.