# author is namhas@majik - Thu Oct 9 09:53:37 EEST 1997 # # lvl: (base experience level) # # 1- 5 pigeons, chickens, squirrels, cats, rats, small snakes # 6-10 dogs, goats, sheeps # 11-15 goblins, kobolds, horses, deers # 16-20 humans, orcs, elves, dwarves, hanflings, bulls, wolves # 21-25 gnolls, centaurs, hobgoblins, trained humans, elves # 31-35 cyclops, minotaurs, gargoyles, elite guards # 36-40 giants, lesser golems, large drakes # 41-50 manticores, wyverns, chimeras # 51-60 lesser elemental, small dragon # 61-70 elementals, normal dragons, lesser demons, angels # 71-90 nasty dragons, demons, angels # 91-99 avatars, arch angels # # typ: (monster type, limb type, whatever) # # 0 arachnid # 1 dragon # 2 humanoid # 3 insectoid # 4 mammal # 5 reptile # 6 worm # 7 bird # # bal: (base alignment) # # 0 neutral # 1 good # 2 evil # # snd: (default 'sounds') # # 0 silent \/ no default sounds # 1 howl /\ howls if full moon # 2 mew \/ mews or hisses # 3 roar /\ roars # 4 growl \/ growls # 5 buzz /\ buzzes # 6 rumor \/ can occasionally spread rumors (humans etc.) # # Those stats are now in 3-99 scale. I wonder if we will change to # stupid system where player races have stats like 50-60 in the # beginning, therefore we would need to tune these stats to same # scale and then dragons would have stats like 500 and 600, sucks. # Btw, again I feel that stats like "agi", "stu" and "wis" are useless. # # Lines beginning with '#' are comments ignored by parser. # # race lvl str dex agi con stu int wis pow cha siz typ bal snd # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- human 16 10 11 10 11 10 13 10 11 11 13 2 0 6 dwarf 16 14 10 9 16 16 13 10 11 10 7 2 1 0 orc 16 14 14 13 10 11 11 10 10 7 9 2 2 0 ogre 16 19 10 10 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 2 2 0 elf 16 9 13 14 10 9 17 16 13 11 9 2 0 0 minotaur 31 23 10 11 15 16 7 8 9 7 22 2 0 0 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- small_dragon 51 35 3 6 23 31 11 16 17 10 35 1 0 3 dragon 61 70 10 10 35 50 12 25 21 10 70 1 0 3 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------