monster.c -proposal v. 1.0 set_name(string); //for name and aliases set_short(string); //for short description set_long(string); //for long description set_level(int); //monster level (1-100) set_race(string); //setting race for monster to inherit some //basic abilities and stats set_stat(int) //stats are: str,con,dex,agi,wis,int,pow,cha,stu,siz set_alignx(int); //alignment from good to evil //good (1500 - 501), neutral (500 - (-500)) //evil (-501 - (-1500)) set_aligny(int); //alignment from lawful to chaotic //lawful (1500 - 501), neutral (500 - (-500)) //chaotic (-501 - (-1500)) set_aggressive(1); //when set, monster will automatically attack set_no_stun(1); //prevents monster from being stunned by player set_gender(int); //sets up the gender, 0=neuter, 1=male, 2=female set_undead(1); //if set, monster is undead set_hp(int amount); //the amount of hp's monster has set_wimpy(int chance, int amount); //the chance defines if the monster will wimpy from room //when it has hps same or less than int amount add_chat(int chance,string * emotes); //this is used to monster to do an emote or say things //when not in combat add_comchat(int chance,string * emotes); //this is used to monster to do an emote or say things //when in combat add_say(string trigger,string message,int substr); //this is used to interact with monster. if you say something //monster could react. example: you could say 'open door' to //a monster and he could then open the door set_spell(string spell_name,int chance,int who,int when); //this is used to set a monster to have a spell. name defines //what spell is being used, chance is the percentual chance to //cast the spell,who defines where the spell may be targeted //and when defines the situation when the spell is cast set_skill(string skill_name,int chance,int who,int when); //sames as spells add_armour(string filename); //this gives the monster an armour //monster should automatically wear this add_weapon(string filename); //this gives the monster a weapon //monster should automatically wield this add_object(string filename); //this gives the monster an item //this is placed in monster's "inventory" add_money(int amount,string type_of_money); //adds the amount of money given of defined type to monster set_no_money(1); //if this is set, monster has no random money set_invulnerability(int damagetype); //this sets monster an invulnerability of the chosen //type add_resistance(int dmgtype, int percent); //sets resistance to dmgtype chosen set_slash_prot(int amount); //protection against slash-type dmg (edged wpns) set_pierce_prot(int amount); //protection against pierce-type dmg (pointed wpns) set_bludgeon_prot(int amount); //protection against bludgeon-type dmg (club wpns) set_general_prot(int amount); //general protection against all dmg types set_limbs //at the moment i don't know for sure what kind of //should be included in limbs (dmg,amount etc. at least) set_wander_4(int delay); //moves randomly n,e,s,w. delay is in seconds set_wander_8(int delay); //moves randomly n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw. delay in seconds set_wander_6(int delay); //moves randomly n,e,s,w,u,d. delay in seconds set_wander_10(int delay); //moves randomly n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw,u,d delay in secs. set_spec_wander(int delay, array); //moves monster between the directions in array set_route_wander(array,delay,int stop_in_combat); //moves monster as route given. in array should be the //route the monster walks by (({"south","east",west"... //delay defines the time between executing the commands //if stop_in_combat is 1 the monster will stop moving //while in battle set_party_call(int *); //if monster is attacked it will call others in party or //parties '*'. for example, if monster has //set_party_call (({1,2,3})) it will ask other monsters //from parties 1,2 and 3 to join him set_party_respond(int *); //if monster is called to join a fight by another party //of monsters it will join them if the int in party call //matches the party respond int. for example, if monster //is set_party_respond (({1,2})); and it is called to //join a fight by party 1 or 2, it will join the fight set_defender(1); //this makes a monster to defend all other monsters in //the same room. also, other monsters will join this //monsters in a fight if attacked. //combines set_party -functions set_random_pick(int chance); //chance that monster will try to pick up an object in room //comments & suggestions welcome //21.09.1997 <<< Sinister >>> EOF