MONETARY SYSTEM IN MAJIK Unlike many other MUDs, Majik is not limited into specific money units. There are three basic money types (gold, silver and copper) and besides those coders can create their own monetary units. The basic unit for money, is BMU (Basic Monetary Unit) in what the value of the coins are expressed. One BMU is very small amount to have more space to adjust coin values. At the moment, BMU values for common coins are: gold florin - 10000 silver dime - 500 copper penny - 50 As you can see, gold is very much money and should be rare. Copper and silver are used in everyday life. When creating new coins you shouldn't have their BMU value greater than 20-30000. If you code coins with such high values, *think* for a reason to have money unit that expensive. If you need to express HUGE amounts of money then you should create gems, that can be converted into money in mineral stores, instead. For examples about creating money look at the existing coins that are in /obj/money/. +) Dazzt