MAJIK/GLIB 0.0-alpha0 OFFICIAL WIZARDHOOD APPLICATION GENERAL INFORMATION ABOUT WIZARDHOOD ------------------------------------ In this mud, or in fact in this murpe we do not speak about wizards, we speak about immortal beings, demi gods, gods and greater gods. Here the immortals must not interact with mortals, at least not officially and usually immortals should be invisible to all mortals. We have special worship/sacrifice/pray system. Using it mortals can interact with gods and ask for favors. All gods will have special amount of _divine points_ which determines that how much he/she can answer to mortal prayers and how powerful favors he/she can do. The gods can get more divine points when mortal sacrifices valuable items to that god. Also the base amount of divine points is depended on the level of the god, so coding things also affect the power how much powerful favors he can do. We have 8 levels of immortality (security levels) and total of 100 minor levels. Below is list: LEVEL | TITLE | DESCRIPTION --------|--------------------|----------------------------------------- ... 01 | avatar | immortal being which don't have sponsor 02 - 10 | novice demigod | new immortal being, sponsored by another 11 - 20 | apprentice demigod | immortal advanced in the coding skills 21 - 30 | demigod | demigod, can sponsor other immortals 31 - 50 | lesser god | the first god level, access to approve 51 - 80 | god | similar to archwizard 81 - 99 | greater god | all possible accesses, really high wiz 100 ... | admin | the head administrator ----------------------------------------------------------------------- You can get levels using many ways, Below is list of common ways: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- sponsoring new avatar + ... 01 level(s) building own area + 01 - 10 level(s) converting old area + 01 - 05 level(s) coding new command + 01 - 03 level(s) approving something + 01 - 02 level(s) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- IMMORTAL LEVEL DESCRIPTIONS --------------------------- AVATAR - no access to use any wiz commands yet, except wiz channel - cannot die - needs full demigod to sponsor him/her (to teach the basics) NOVICE DEMIGOD - access to use almost all wiz commands found from /command/immortal/ directory, no snoop access available yet APPRENTICE DEMIGOD - now access to all possible commands that wiz below level 51 can use DEMIGOD - can sponsor avatars to novice demigods, mortals can start worshipping demigod but demigods cannot answer to mortal prayers nor can build altar for mortals so they can sacrifice LESSER GOD - the first real god level, they can approve other immortals work, and they can read files in other immortal home directories and also some other possible special accesses, also they can build altar so mortals can worship and sacrifice stuff and they have great powers to answer mortal prayers and grand favors GOD - this level is similar to usual 'archwizard' level, gods can do just what they want to, at least almost, they can read all files and they can modify/delete *almost* all files, also they have more greater power to interact with mortals than lesser gods did GREATER GOD - there can be only 3 greater gods, for all alignments, this level is the most powerful, they can do *anything* and have almost *infinite* powers when answering to prayers but normally greater gods are enough huge and they don't have time to concentrate answering only single mortal prayers, they concentrate on bigger subjects ADMIN - this level is only for the head administrator, Namhas, mortals see namhas as greater god but this level is here just because it is, admin have same access than greater gods but he can also *remove* other greater gods :)