RReeqquuiirreemmeennttss ffoorr HHoommeellaannddss 11 11.. IInnttrroodduuccttiioonn According to "/doc/misc/goverment.txt" we need to decide some things that is used and required in every area that will be homeland of some race or alternative city where to live. 22.. RReeqquuiirreemmeennttss +o Laws; is pkilling allowed, is stealing allowed, what hap- pens when ya steal something? All laws should be viewable by some book or plaque in somewhere the city, preferably some common place where every newbie usually walks. +o Military forces; certain cities can be in the war, so that is primary reason why we need military forces. For example if race of enemy enters to the city all guards would attack and yell the alarm. +o King; all cities needs active king or like who decides all the things that affects the city. Deciding whether to go war or not and deciding the tax rates etc. Cities should have only limited amount of NPC military forces as well as PC ones and it would cost something to feed them and such. King should protect his castle in the city very well otherwise if the enemies can takeover the castle then the war is lost and king changed. +o Citizens; all players that live in the city would be cit- izens and they need to regiter somewhere to be real citi- zens, all who it to home land in the character creation would be automatically citizens. +o City gates; all major cities should have city gates and the city walls to protect the city from the enemies. City gates should be closed in the night and open in the days, or vice versa. City guards can take some money if non- citizen enters to the city. +o Shops, banks; the city is not city if it lacks at least general shop and bank. Board or two is also required. 33.. HHooww ttoo ddoo iitt This is only proposal, we don't have ready base for all this. I suggest we create homeland daemon which has several mappings about each city, the list of citizens, amount of city guards and their location, the king, tax rate, the money the city haves (collected by the tax) and such things. Actually if we do homelands to be good with kings and all then we don't need special player cities at all. It is too hard to implement anyways. The one who does the homeland should be god of all of it and continue to developing it to NNoovveemmbbeerr 2233,, 11999977 MMaajjiikk MMUURRPPEE RReeqquuiirreemmeennttss ffoorr HHoommeellaannddss 22 be really great area. All other type of areas are not yet needed and their quality can be much worst. For enough good homeland we will give 20 levels. By wars, city development, goverment, laws and law breakers we get some point to this game instead of exp-mak- ing monsters in some area as is in many other muds. Area is not area if it does not have some meaning, good meaning for the area is not "there is monsters", or "it is good area for newbies" acceptable meanings for the area are: +o homeland or other large city (you can be citizen) +o guild area +o area where players can get some equipment +o some quest and players can get something as reward +o place where players can talk and rent rooms (inns) This proposal is open for suggestions and comments. Please read "/doc/misc/goverment.txt" also. NNoovveemmbbeerr 2233,, 11999977 MMaajjiikk MMUURRPPEE