help_gods.txt v. 1.01 Gods are divided to classes by their power. There are 4 classes: greater gods, gods, lesser gods and demigods. Each god have their own portfolios and spheres. The greater gods. These are the mightiest and strongest of gods. Three moons in the sky (Afay, Kizanth and Narcos) each represent one of the three greatest gods. The three greatest gods are Namhas (The Father (Afay)), Lady Aluna (Goddess of Delight (Kizanth)) and Lord Sinister (The Evil Supreme (Narcos)). Namhas (the Father) Namhas is the creator of world. He is the most powerful of all gods and the father of Sinister and Aluna. Namhas is the origin of all and his neutral way of seeing world keeps the balance there. In old writings Namhas is also mentioned as 'The All-seeing Eye'. Namhas is worshipped throughout the known world and his powers are said to be unlimited. Still, though, he is not giving his blessings and powers to those who have chosen the path of evil or good since Namhas is the Hand of Justice and Balance. Namhas is the god of Nature, balance and justice. His alignment is true neutral. Lord Sinister (the Evil Supreme) Lord Sinister is the one of the twins Namhas gave birth. He was born as a dragonlike demon and his deeds were malevolent and evil from the day he started to live. His hate towards light, life, love and joy drove him deeper into dark thoughts and he started to like night and his solitude. His sister, Aluna, is completly the opposite of Sinister. Sinister is the god of death, night, darkness, destruction and mayhem. He is also lord and creator of many evil and dark beasts (like demons and evil dragons) that dwell in the world. He is chaotic evil in alignment. Aluna Aluna is the sister of Sinister and completly the opposite of him. Lawful good is her alignment. The gods. There are gods that are the offspring of the greater gods and these are just known as 'the gods'. These are first generation immortals after Namhas and his sons that managed to survive through millenniums. Gods have very much influence over the world and there are many gods of all kinds of things like wealth, war, love, diseases, beasts, nature and so on. Gods are also worshipped around the world and it is told that many of those have shrines and temples around the world. [Here should be a list of all gods and their description as above those greater gods.] [An example god: Umgah the Mighty Umgah is the elemental god of fire. He controls all kinds of fire and has influence over heat. He is the first generation immortal and son of Sinister. He is said to be the father of [fire demons and protector of fire giants. He is aggressive and he is worshipped very much in the southern regions. His alignment is chaotic neutral.] The lesser gods. The lesser gods are the offspring of the gods or creations of the greater gods. These lesser gods have power over the world, too, as well as the greater gods and the gods. Lesser gods have minor spheres of influence and smaller portfolios, for example like health, happiness and joy, artifacts, beauty and so on. Lesser gods have only small temples or shrines as they are not known as well around the world as the greater gods or the gods. [Here should be a list of lesser gods as above of greater gods and gods.] The demi-gods Demi-gods are the offspring of the lesser gods and/or demons and angels or the creations of the greater gods and gods. These are not known at all in some places in the world and don't have shrines at all unless some mortal of the known age have built one. Demi-gods have only very small sphere of control and portfolio. Examples are like swords, forests, serpents and snakes, giants and so on. [And here should be a list of demi-gods.] Temples and churches. The greater gods and the gods have churches/temples built somewhere where one can go and worship these divine entities. Depending on the gods and the greater gods, one may also be able to sacrifice something to them or make rituals in those holy (or unholy) places. Churches have some priests and clerics that handle common things concerning the gods or the buildings of those. They also may teach rituals and spells or skills of the religion to those that are members of the church. //02.09.1997. All suggestions, comments etc. are very welcome. <<< Sinister >>> EOF