Gridbattle-system v. 1.00 As Dragoness has planned there will be an "action point" (or 'ap') system used in battle. Each action requires using of these ap's, maneuvers (using skills), casting spells and even escaping from fight. Also, it would be easy to include a movement system in this kind of battle- system. To make fight more versatile, I have designed a map-system to be included in the battle. When players enter a fight the would move to a gridmap (which,of course, should look like the room they are fighting in). This would make movement possible when in fight and would also give more freedom to parties when choosing how to fight monster(s). Monsters and players would be shown as characters on the map. An example gridmap of a room (m = monster): +--------+ This is a very simple gridmpa for a room. |........| It could also have a character for stairs |........|_ ( > for upstairs and < for downstairs ). |...m...... Player on a map would be shown as @ to |........| him-/herself and other players could be +--------+ shown as capital letters. Letters could be either chosen by the party or then be as the first letters of each one's name. An example of a fight in room against dragon: (In this battle, dragon is shown in 2 letters because it is so large creature.) Pic 1. A party of characters have just entered the room and fighters have moved in front of dragon. Mage has moved to the left side of the room to cast his spells from there and the thief has moved to the right planning to sneak behind the dragon to stab it. Priest is staying behind the fighters to heal them and stay safe. +----------+ [the legend: ] |..........| [D = dragon's body] |....D.....| [d = dragon's head] |....d.....| [m = mage ] |....ff....| [f = fighter ] |.m..p..t..| [t = thief ] +---|.|----+ [f = fighter ] [p = priest ] +----------+ Pic 2. |.....t....| Fighters are still fighting the dragon with |....D.....| swords and stuff and the mage has moved to a |....d.....| better position to see the monster better. |...ff.....| Priest is healing the fighters while moving |m..p......| towards the wounded mage (mage could have +---|.|----+ got hit by the dragon with some sort of spell for example). Meanwhile, the thief has been sneaking behind the dragon to stab it and is bout to succeed. Couple of rounds later the fight is over and the dragon is dead and the gridmap is not shown anymore as the battle is over. This was very simplified example of a fight but I guess you all reading this get the idea. Dragoness seemed to like the idea as well as Namhas (hopefully I got that righ ;). Now, I need some comments/suggestions etc. from those who have not heard bout this idea so far. //21.09.1997 <<< Sinister >>> EOF