This file explains how to add and change feelings. The feelings are located in /data/soul/feelings. (Please remember to keep feelings in alphabetical order to avoid confusion.) The format of the feeling config-string can hopefully be understood by the aid of following examples and their explanations: Here's an example feeling: smile::{smile} [HOW/happily]( at WHO||). And how it works: First there is the name of the feeling (also the command for it). All verbs must be closed in {}'s. [HOW/happily] HOW is replaced by adverb given by player, or if adverb is not given, string on the right side of the '/' is used as a default. ( at WHO||) WHO is replaced by target given by player, or if target is not given, string between the two '|'s is used as a default. If you want the feeling only to work with a target, you must put a '$' in the default slot: ( at WHO|$|) If you want the target-string to be possessive you must put a 's$' or a 'S$' in the extra slot. 's$' means that possessive will be used if a body-part is given as an argument and 'S$' causes target-string to always be possessive. Another example: kick::{kick} (WHO|$|) [HOW|angrily]< in the WHERE:>. WHERE will be replaced if body_part is given, otherwise the right side of the '|' will replace everything between '<' and ':'. If target is not living everything between <>'s will be ignored. Using #P and #O #P is replaced by 'your' or 'his/her/its' #O is replaced be 'you' or 'him/her/it' Example: scratch::{scratch} (WHO|THIS$|s$)< WHERE:>[ HOW/]. If no target is given the output would be like: 'You scratch yourself.' With target is would be: 'You scratch Harum.' Or with target and body-part: 'You scratch Harum's head.' Use THIS$ as default-target to make this_player the target. You can add $'s anywhere you want to avoid replacing of strings that can occur elsewhere in the feeling string. All $'s will be removed. Study the already existing feelings and if you still cannot make sense of them, ask me (Harum) about it, and I will help. Add default adverbs as often as you can and remeber defaults can be more than just a single word. And don't forget to compile /daemon/soul.c after you change the feelings-file. - Harum, Nov 10 1997 ( last modified Dec 23 1997)