^c1USING MAJIK EDITOR^c0 (/obj/editor) Editor provides basic functions for querying input from user. It's purpose is to lessen the mortals' need to learn new things. If we had many different editors here, there would always be hassle with what commands this editor uses. To use this editor in your code, you should inherit the editor object (/obj/editor). Due to the nature of input_to() function you have to define what function to call after reading the input from user. Editor can be called with the following functions: ^c1void read_integer(string var, string func)^c0 Reads integer from user and stores it into variable 'var' and calls function 'func' in current object after doing so. ^c1void read_string(string var, string func)^c0 Identical to read_integer(), stores the variable as string. ^c1void read_float(string var, string func)^c0 As above, for floating point numbers. ^c1void read_text(string var, string func, object user)^c0 This is the main editor function that can be used to input several lines of text. If the variable 'var' resides in another object, one can give the object as third argument (user). If the variable is in current object the argument is not needed. For example, ^c1read_text("plan", "notify_done", THIS);^c0 would read text from user and set variable 'plan' in this_player() to it. After the plan has been written it calls 'notify_done' function that tells the user that the new plan has been set. The 'plan' command uses the above line to read the plan from user. Additional features: If you happen to need customized prompts you can override the default prompt by defining necessary functions by your own. The functions called by editor are: ^c1query_integer_prompt() query_string_prompt() query_float_prompt() query_text_prompt()^c0 Several special codes are reserved in text prompt. They are: '^c1$L^c0' Current line '^c1$n^c0' Current user '^c1$N^c0' Current user, capitalized If you need more features for editor, send ideas to Dazzt. All feedback welcome. +) 02.06.1998 + Dazzt