Guidelines for writing descriptions for rooms, items or whatever: * All descriptions should be *unique*, don't use same descriptions unless it is neccessary ie. you have a maze, but remember: mazes are mostly boring. Room short descriptions can be same of course.. * Short description should be really only short description and it cannot contain period "." at the end of it. Start short description with a capital letter. Good example of a short description would be: Forest path Bad example of short description would be then: At The Forest Path. SO, you can only capitalize the *first* letter of the short description unless it is a *name* or needs capitalizing by english language rules. DO NOT use ".", "!", "?" or anything similar in short descriptions, because it is included automagically in several places. Short description shouldn't never be over 50 characters. FOR items same rules is due EXCEPT you don't capitalize first letter, good example of item short description is: a long shovel Bad example of item short description is: The Long Shovel. Because of my player item creation designs you can't do this: Dazzt's long shovel If you do so then my code can modify it to look like this: Aluna's Dazzt's long shovel FOR monster short descriptions the rules are still quite same, but as we can have a name for the monster then it should be in format: , the is <doing something here> Example: Aberax, the mad astrologer is staring in the sky If we don't have name then we can do: A mad astrologer is zooming the sky using a telescope In monster short descriptions you can and need to capitalize the first letter even if it is an "A" or "AN". For monster's AND item's set_name() please use always more than one id's, good example for aberax's would be: set_name (({ "aberax", "astrologer", "mad astrologer" })); If we don't have name or we have an item - then: set_name (({ "an astrologer", "astrologer", "mad astrologer" })); set_name (({ "an iron key", "key" })); Include that "a astrologer" to first with an "a" or "an" because otherwise we would see: "Astrologer leaves north." it is rather bad english isn't if? So if we have "a astrologer" as first id then we would see: "An astrologer leaves north." With items it's important to have the name with the article included because many commands use that name when processing messages. "You get key." would look stupid but "You get an iron key." wouldn't. Someone could ask why couldn't we just use item's short_desc for such porposes. In many cases that would work just fine, but if the short_desc is unusally long it's better to have a shorter version you can use in messages. Compare these: "You look at a large bulletin board (16 messages)." "You look at a large bulletin board." or these: "You drink from a fountain is gurgling here." "You drink from a fountain." * Long descriptions for items, monsters and rooms uses same rules, mostly. For instance this is a good long description: The ground here is full of colourful flowers and the rich scent of the forest fills the air. In the center of the square stands a tall wooden totem of summer reaching for the sun above. The totem is painted with the vivid colours of summer and it is carved to resemble an elf sitting on a shoulder of the great bear. The bear is quite an imposing sight but the impression on the face of the totem elf is so relaxed that you feel quite certain there's no danger in the bear. The forest surrounds the square and leaf-covered paths lead to the east, west and south. A temple is waiting for you to enter it in the north. Still that wasn't the best.. and it was quite long, an ordinary size for long descriptions is about 3-4 lines - more lines you have the better description it is but if it have same parts as in other descriptions then it is more bad than small description which is fully unique. Description over ~20 lines is *too* long, description less than two lines is *too* short. Bad example of description is: You Are Standing At The Long Description. This Is A Stupid Description Please Do Not Use CAPS this MUCH.Also You should Remember That After Period You should Use Only One Space. Two Spaces Are Far Too Much And Without Space At All It Is Ugly.There Is Rather Warm. In above descriptions is many bugs. You can only use capital letters at starting of a sentence and for names etc. that english language needs. Also after period use only one space. And do not never upper case whole word like CAPS or MUCH - unless it is really neccessary. Also you can't add to description anything about weather because the weather lines is added automagically later, so it would look like stupid if we have: There Is Rather Warm. A medium clouds move in calm east breeze. You should describe the place as it is and do not make it dependent of the direction where the player came from, unless there is only one direction.