- 1 - A seven-color alignment system v. 1.00 As well as in magic system, there are seven "colors" in alignment system. Alignment system is tied to magic system where colors resemble different forces and spheres of magic. Using magic of certain color (or sphere) affects caster's alignment so that alignment starts to go towards the color of the spells used. Casting one spell of blue magic won't immediately change caster's alignment to blue, but continu- ous use of certain color of magic affects a lot. In align- ment system, colors resemble certain features of character's nature and all colors are on good - evil "axis" as well as on law - chaos axis. So, some colors are more evil or good than others as well as they are more "lawful" or "chaotic". Colors symbolize the moral, ethics and/or the faith of a character. Some charactersitics are shown below as an exam- ple. Black (B): Black is kind of a color that symbolizes a dark mind. Thoughts of death, solitude, vengeful and the abuse of the weak are common thoughts. Usually black-aligned people live only for themselves and are very selfish.Black is evil as an alignment and usually those who worship the dark gods are black-aligned. An anti-paladin seeking the death and de- struction of goodness is typical black aligned example. Red (R): The red-aligned beings are possibly aggressive, chaotic, violent, warlike and unpredictable. The may also be spontaneous and impulsive. They are potential warriors and may be patriotic or racist. Red-aligned people are not too trustworthy because their possible chaotic nature. People who have red alignment are usually warriors that seek new challenges, soldiers that fight or money and wealth or priests of war, battles or destruction. Yellow (Y): Yellow is the alignment of chaos (more than red actually) and people who seek for change are most probably yellow-aligned. People who tend to try new things, who want to have some kind of variation and alteration in their life are considered to have yellow aligned. Yellow alignment does not lean towards good or neutral in that axis, but neutrali- ty. It is, however, very chaotic and does not have any kind of order. That still doesn't mean unjustice or other such thing. A wandering halfling adventurer who seeks new things with great interest is an example of yellow-aligned charac- ter. White (W): People who have white alignment are good, fair, just, righteous and kind-hearted. They are the people who give the poor people money or offer food, they are those who help handicaps or who stand for justice and the law. White- aligned people may also be religious, willing to help other people and loyal. They are not just good but also they stand - 2 - for order and therefore fight against chaos and disorder. A paladin protecting the city and helping the poor and handi- cap people would definitely be a white-aligned as well as the healer of the city. Green (G): Green is the alignment of the people who value nature, animals, plants and life in general a lot. Green- aligned are also those who are pacifist or those who pre- serve human (and other species as well) rights. They are not bound by the law or other rules, except maybe the rules or the nature. They are tolerant and not conservative. Green alignment is probably the most philosophical of all align- ments. Druids and shamans (and some rangers too) are good examples of green "folk". Blue (L): Blue is the alignment that is probably most de- ceiving. It is the color of schmers, careerists or other self-centerd people, but it is not necessarily evil, if at all. Neither blue-aligned people are usually good, but very neutral. Blue-aligned people are closer to order than chaos usually since they make careful plans very often. Blue is not the color impulsive color, but rather a thinker. Blue color also symbolizes strenght and especially strong mind and willpower. An example of blue-aligned character could be a psionicist or a politician. Brown (O): Brown is the color that represents constancy, preservation, equality and tranquillity. The brown-aligned people are firm and steady, never getting nervous or losing temper all of a sudden. They don't usually make quick deci- sions but think twice before doing something important. The are not warlike or aggressive but are ready to fight fire with fire. They are usually also very loyal to what they be- lieve. They also preserve old "good" values and things rather than bulid a new one. A conservative dwarven miner who believes in old family values would be a fair example. Things that affect or change alingment. The magic affects (or even changes) the alignment of a char- acter a lot. The color of spells you cast affects your own alignment very much. For example, if you are a healer cast- ing white healing spells, your alignment is going towards (if already not) white and therefore goodness. Other things that affect one's alignment are the things one kills (if it even kills a creature) and all kinds of other deeds or du- ties one does. Quests and possible jobs and wars are one thing that will affect the alignment as well as the used spells (and maybe some skills too). Also, some missions or tasks of a religion may affect one's alignment. As earlier mentioned, alignment is based on two axes, the good - evil -axis and the law - chaos -axis. Both of these axes affect character's (everyday) life. It depends on place, situation and other characters how much. (I will later add a small co- - 3 - ordinates table that shows the "positions" of different col- ors on axes. //05.09.1997 [comments and suggestions are most welcome] <<< Sinister >>> (text formated by namhas) EOF