alignment coordinate chart v. 1.00 Good (x-axis) +-------------------------------+ | 1 2 3 4 5 | 6 7 8 9 0 | 0 | 0 9 ^cGG^c0 | W 9 8 | 8 7 | 7 6 ^cYY^c0 | ^cy O^c0 6 Chaos +---------------+---------------+ Order (y-axis) 5 | 5 (y-axis) 4 | ^cB U^c0 4 3 ^cR R^c0 | 3 2 | 2 1 ^cL B^c0 | 1 | 1 2 3 4 5 | 6 7 8 9 0 | +-------------------------------+ Evil (x-axis) Legend: B = black, R = red, Y = yellow, G = green W = white, O = brown, U = blue If you haven't already read the color_align_sys.txt, read that before this because this is just an appendix to it. So, this chart represents the "positions" of certain colors in the alignment system on good - evil axis and on law - chaos axis. These "values" each color have represent how 'evil' or 'good' and how 'lawful' or 'chaotic' each color is. The smaller the value in good-evil axis, the more evil it is, and the smaller the number in law-chaos axis, the more chaotic it is, and vice versa. For example, B (black) is 1,4 (x,y) so it is very 'evil' and a bit chaotic and U (blue) is 4,8 so it is only a bit 'evil' but pretty lawful alignment. So, the meaning of this chart is that currently, alignment is based on two values: good - evil axis value and law - chaos axis value. This chart gives you more info bout the color_alignment_system that i have designed and hopefully will help you understand that system fully. I will be working on this new alignment system as soon as i am capable of. Setting alignment. Because alignment is based on two values, you need to set them both. Command set_alignx sets your good - evil alignment and set_aligny sets your order - chaos alignment. Scale is from 1500 to -1500. Neutral "zone" is from 500 to -500. Setting of your alignment is seen in 'who' list. For mortals, color-based alignment system is used. When they choose a race default align will be set (and hopefully there will be some little random or choosable factor which also affects) and this alignment is shown either in one color or a combination of colors depending on the values of alignx and aligny. Because the alignment system varies from 1500 to -1500 i shall make a table where color-alignment values can be compared to the real values. Note that values are _average_ values and are given in 'x,y' order. Value Color | in chart | Real value ------------------------------------ Black | 1 , 4 | -1350 , -400 Red | 3 , 3 | -750 , -750 Yellow | 6 , 1 | 200 , -1350 White | 9 , 10 | 1050 , 1350 Green | 9 , 4 | 1050 , -400 Blue | 4 , 8 | -400 , 750 Brown | 6 , 8 | 200 , 750 All comments, suggestions and questions should be addressed to me. <<< Sinister >>> // 08.09.1997 EOF