Re: Mesa/glut problems

Subject: Re: Mesa/glut problems
From: Mladen Gavrilovic (
Date: Sun Aug 15 1999 - 19:23:47 EEST

Tommi Leino wrote:
> On Sat, 14 Aug 1999, Mladen Gavrilovic wrote:
> > There are two packages you can choose from for that file in redhat:
> > glut-3.6-1.i386.rpm or Mesa-glut-3.0-2.i386.rpm.  Make sure that if you
> > choose the mesa-glut one, it is the same version as your mesa library
> > (so you'd only download the one I suggested abofe if you have
> > Mesa-3.0-2.i386.rpm installed).  However, plib (which is listed as a
> > requirement for majik) says that it needs to have glut 3.7 to be happy.
> > There are no rpms of glut-3.7, so what I did was download and install
> > glut-3.7.tar.gz (watch out--it can get ugly), and then plib (ditto).
> > Then majik complained about a wrong version of libstdc+++, so I just
> > made a link to the one I have (probably a bad idea, but it got majik to
> > start).
> Anyone wanna do .rpm of majik3d? :) It should simplify this process a lot.
> --
> Tommi Leino / Majik 3D project

I'd be interested--as soon as I figure out how :)  I'll read up about it
and mail you if I think I can pull it off.

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