Re: 3d acceleration... how?

Subject: Re: 3d acceleration... how?
From: Steve Brown (
Date: Fri Jul 30 1999 - 14:13:26 EEST

Tommi Leino wrote:

> Brent Pedigo wrote:
> >
> > Actually I think there was a misunderstanding.  I was referring to M2 under
> > Win32.  I wouldn't learn Linux  unless my  life depended on it.  I just
> > don't know how to get it into fullscreen so it takes advantage of 3d
> > acceleration.  I've got all the latest drivers and stuff.
> Always say whether you're using Win32 or Linux, makes things easier. In
> Win32 version there's not yet support for Voodoo acceleration. It will
> come someday, probably within next week.

OK, I'm really green at this, but I had the 3DFX logo show up and got
6.0fps on my P233MMX when in that mode... I just installed a few extra
libraries from (the prebuilt Windows ones) and it dropped
straight in, no changes to anything else :)

Given the increased frame rate and the logo I can only assume it was using
acceleration... Be warned though, its a bit flaky, like trying to use the mouse
drops you back to Windows and some other weird stuff happens. But this
project is too cool!!


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