Re: 3d acceleration... how?

Subject: Re: 3d acceleration... how?
From: Tommi Leino (
Date: Wed Jul 28 1999 - 10:28:49 EEST

> Brent Pedigo wrote:
> Hey, great job on the client release.  I was looking forward to enjoying it,
> but then I realized there was kindof a problem, I can only get it to run in
> a little window at 3.2 fps, no 3d acceleration.  I have a V2 12 mb, how can
> I get the client to take advantage of that?

You are using Linux? Get glide library and other stuff from,
install, compile Mesa using make linux-386-glide (or something) and make a
script like this:


cd ~namhas/cvs/majik/majik3d/client/src/
xhost +
export MESA_GLX_FX="fullscreen"
su -c ./majik
export -n MESA_GLX_FX
xhost -

Tommi Leino / Majik 3D project

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