Re: Spell System

Subject: Re: Spell System
From: Beregar (
Date: Sun Feb 27 2000 - 11:03:50 EET

ryan b wrote:

> In regards to the spell system, I beleive that the current proposed system
> will work just fine as long as......
> A: Uncommon spell components are only found in certain areas or landscapes

Most spells are uncommon if they are "real" magic (not powers granted by gods) and yes,
they are found only in certain areas; besides, not necessarily all symbols needed for a spell
are in the same area, or that person understands them.

As far as I know, no-one has yet decided more than a few ways how spell symbols can be
learned for they have different manifestations.

> B: New mages who somehow inherit knowledge to cast a powerfull spell should
> have a high chance of failing its casting as he/she is a weak mage.

Well, should a mage learn a spell symbol from somewhere, he certainly has to practice
how to manifest it correctly, thus, the more accurate manifestations, the more effective

> And if that isnt enough, possibly make spheres of magic and have a large
> mana pool that everyone uses. In each magic sphere, there could be different
> tiers of spell power.

Idea of "spheres of magic" is old and generally useless in other than guild systems. Spells
affect somewhat to eachother (those which have similar symbols) or at least I believe so. :)
There are still many questions open regarding spellsystem (mana usage, if at all; different
ways to learn spells; generic spells; how to determine area of effect etc...), these will be
decided later, however, suggestions are always welcome.

- Beregar Dar'Eldath (

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