Glut question

Subject: Glut question
From: joshua 'akix' corning (
Date: Tue Sep 21 1999 - 04:35:23 EEST

In the Mesa readme text it says the fallowing:


Mesa 2.5 and later includes Mark Kilgard's GLUT library (GL Utility
GLUT is built automatically on systems which support it.

The GLUT tests, demos, examples, etc are not included, just the main
To obtain the latest complete release of GLUT please visit"

In other words in Mesa 3.0 the glut libraries is already in there but in
the majik readme file it states that Mesa demos is required for
instalation because glut is in the demos.

Which is correct?

I also noticed in the redhat.instruction text that Mladen wrote that it
doesn't mention the need to install the Mesa demos packege.

Please help :(


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