Subject: Englannista hyvaa paivaa!
From: Steve Brown (
Date: Wed Jul 28 1999 - 14:15:29 EEST
No moi, Kuka on Norsunperse?? Hehehe... No nyt, olen englantilainen, ja en puhu paljon Suomeksi... Mutta nahdan kuin olet puhu hyvaa englanniksi, suun WWW-sivuja ole niin hyva... OK, Englanniksi nyt.... Guys, you are doing exactly what I wanted to do but could never find the time - and you're Finnish!! I want to help!! Show me how I can help... I've been using Linux for 6yrs+ now, write in C/C++ and/or Java and had plenty of fantasy role playing experience both on computer and in my head. I too have gotten bored with talkers (I notice you mention Moomin Valley, so perhaps I should say 'Tere, kuidas la"heb?' instead? :)) and MOO's and text based systems that have no ongoing history. Let me know how I can help, I'm sure my wife Paivi will be quite happy for me to spend some time with Finnish hackers helping you put together something to scorch the RPG world :) Terveiset Englannista! Steve. P.S. Suomi on eritain kaunis paikka.. Ja Mika Hakkinen ole paras mailmassa! :-) Mina ja vaimoni haluamme mene Suomeen pian, mutta ei monta tyopaikka...... Anteeksi kuin minun huono Suomen kielen! P.P.S. If you're called Norsunperse I guess I should be called Hevonenperse? (Or Pavonen-Heska? ;))
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