A short bit of your time

Subject: A short bit of your time
From: BattleDragon (archdragon@xoommail.com)
Date: Sun Jul 18 1999 - 10:34:26 EEST

Hey, from what you guys have described that you 
are trying to do, i'm gonna love 
this game. I am getting a lot of people in the 
states and canada that are looking 
forward to playin it. I would like to know if u 
need some help with anything, I know 
basic C++(1 year's worth) and i'm pretty good 
with graphics. If you would like some 
help email me back, I and plenty others are 
waiting for the day this game is 
completed or beta testing starts(w/ mp support 
and a real working world). The 
concepts that you guys are using in Majik is 
what I and many people are looking for 
in a RPG, games like Everquest and Ultima Online 
are nice, but they are very boring 
being constrincted to the hack and slash type of 
play. If u need any help just let me 
know, I got plenty of free time and would like 
to see this game out as soon as 
Thanks for the time.
a.k.a. Micah Villmow

Clan Leader/Founder

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