Important Information: .BIZ .INFO Domain Extensions

Subject: Important Information: .BIZ .INFO Domain Extensions
From: (
Date: Sat Mar 31 2001 - 06:36:37 EEST

Attention:  Internet Domain Registrant

The new top level domain names with extensions .BIZ, .INFO, .PRO, 
and .NAME have just been approved by global internet authorities 
and will be released soon, but don't wait until then to register.  
These domains are available NOW for pre-registration at: on a first come, first serve 

It is expected that over 3 million of these new domain names will be
registered in the first few minutes when registration officially opens
later this year. If your domain name is important to you, be prepared 
and pre-register now. Protect your domain name from cybersquatters and 
speculators. We have the premier pre-registration engine to help you 
to secure the domain you want.  Over 250,000 names have already been 
queued into our list and good names are going fast.  Do not wait until 
the last minute.  Go to now to 

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