Need a hand?

Subject: Need a hand?
From: Jon DeMarks (
Date: Sat Mar 17 2001 - 00:24:22 EET


    I am a game designer/programmer in the works.  My definition of in the owrks is, I am scheduled to go to a school called Full Sail for game designing and programming, but I do this in an amateur way already, as I am not trained yet.  Your project interests me a great deal, I have always wanted to build a game like you have here, but was put off by the idea of companies marketing this type of technology for around $10 USD per month!  I was about to embark on writing my own game from scratch with the help of many expensive OpenGL and DirectX books, when I stumbled upon your site.  I would like to know if there is anything I can do to help.  I know C/C++, am handy with 3D Studio MAX and PhotoShop, so if you need models and or textures instead of programming I can help there too.  I even know a guy with a static net connection which is fast enough to support a server for this program.  Send me a reply if you need any of the afor mentioned services.

Jon DeMarks

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