Re: One more minion to thy service

Subject: Re: One more minion to thy service
From: Tommi Leino (
Date: Sat Feb 24 2001 - 10:21:41 EET

On Fri, 23 Feb 2001, David Balparda de Carvalho wrote:

> Hi, Tommi, I am David Balparda, and I've spoken to you just a couple of
> days ago in the chat as Harold (that's the name my character will
> have).

I remember you.

> So, soon I will download the client and be one of the player/testers of
> the MUD. 

The only problem is that, we don't actually have a working client or
server at the moment. That basically means that Majik 3D project is
frozen for a while and will go back in to development after I have posted
an announce mail to mailing list to which you
should have subscribed. The announce that we can work again is posted
maybe in few weeks, maybe in few months. At the moment, as all the core
developers of Majik have been employed by Taika Technologies have their
hands full of work to do and thus we don't have time to concentrate on
Majik 3D.

> Also, I can help with the artwork, for I have some expertise in
> pencil drawing, like those drawings that I saw in the Art Gallery. I can
> paint with Corel Draw, but that takes quite a bit more time than just
> drawing, but I wish to do my best. Send in sketches or requests at
> will. With programming... I can do some basic stuff, but I still have to
> learn graphical programming in C. As I am little experienced, messing
> with programming would take on a lot of time to me. I will take a look
> upon the open source first.

As the project is frozen, there is no much work that we could give for
anyone. The only thing that can be developed while the core developers are
idle is the WorldBook. You can draw pictures there or do world design. Ask
some of the world designers (team.html tells) for more information.

> By the way, I have seen there besides your mug-shot that you have worked
> for the Department of Physics of Helinski. Were you, or are you, a
> Physics student. I happen to be one, in a federal university here in
> Brazil. Astrophysics, actually. Besides studying, I make reduction of
> spectra of Galaxies. 

I was computer systems specialist in the Physics Department, maintly 
meddling with large Unix servers at the astrophysics and quantum physics
labs. I was not a physics student myself, in fact, I left formal education
almost right after I had completed comprehensive school.

Tommi Leino <>
Principal Software Specialist, Taika Technologies Ltd.

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