Questions, comments, suggestions, praise, etc.

Subject: Questions, comments, suggestions, praise, etc.
From: Cliff Hill (
Date: Fri Feb 23 2001 - 19:02:41 EET

Let's get the bad things out first:  Your website's broken, won't let me sign 
onto your mailing lists, not see 1/2 of your screen shots.  Using Moz 0.8, 
Linux 2.4.2.  Thought you might want to know.  get a "Zope Error" message 
upon attempting to sign up.

That said, I think your ideals and goals are EXCELLENT.  I've been designing 
(mainly throwing out ideas, and verifying that they can work) a game that is 
virtually identical to Majik3D for a few years now, mainly getting the as you 
put it "worldbook" done, and attempting to build an engine from scratch 
(being the only coder, and having grueling work hours = not much done in that 
area).  When I read your site, I was shocked to see someone else had *every* 
idea I've come up with as well, only in their game.  Impressed, I was.

I'm curious about if your system will be GPLed server/client or not.  If so, 
I'll also be inpressed.  if not, I could understand as well, and am 
interested in potentially becoming a part of the design team.  I would be 
interested in deriving the coding a bit to accomodate the worlds I have been 
designing, which was to be for my game, the M.O.R.E. (Multiuser Online 
Roleplaying Environment).  My system's been reworked so many times that it 
stagnated, but then again, with only one coder/designer...

Basically, your system mirrors the MORE in such detail that it's almost 
frightening.  And rather than "reinventing the wheel" per say, I'd love to 
grab a current set of code, and work from there, either on the Majik3D or a 
spinoff for my worlds.  You claim that Majik3D is for one world, however I'd 
love to see the system with the ability to add more....  I've got 4 under my 
belt I've been working with, 3 Fantasy, one Sci-Fi.

Anyway, please if this was not sent to the right people, lforward the message 
to where it could do the most good.  Thank-you.

What a long, strange trip it's been!

 * Clifford "DarkHelm" Hill
 * ICQ #: 47586790
 * AIM Screen Name: XlorepDarkHelm
 * Yahoo Messenger Name: XlorepDarkHelm
 * E-mail:
 * Alternate E-Mail:
 * Builder/Coder of the M.O.R.E.(tm) []

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