Majik 3D (fwd)

Subject: Majik 3D (fwd)
From: Tommi Leino (
Date: Tue Jan 16 2001 - 00:43:58 EET

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 15 Jan 2001 14:06:08 -0800 (PST)
From: John Van Dyke <>
Subject: Majik 3D

Seeing as how the last news on your site was from
November of 2000, I was wondering if the Majik 3D
project is still pushing onward.

If it is, I'd like to say that I greatly look forward
to when it is playable.  (I've downloaded some stuff
but I couldn't get it to work).  I've been a MUD
player for quite a while, and I'm really tired of how
they continue to expand endlessly (adding more and
more boring races and classes) but never evolve much. 
Your inventoryless system is something I have thought
of before, and really like.  Also that there is no set
class, so your whole experience is not determined by
your first 5 minutes of playing.  I think that you
should have guilds, though player-run, a combination
of classes and clans.  But there would also be the
option for people to learn abilities alone.
  I am also intrigued by your graphical 3D concept. 
If you are going to do graphics, 3D is definately the
way to go.  What I love about it is that you can make
a world that extends in all directions.  No blocky
areas haphazardly patched together.  Complete freedom.
 And also, you can make a world that _feels_ big.  In
a MUD, you can get to pretty much any room in a matter
of minutes.  But with graphics you can have players
spend a week in real life travelling from one city to
another.  You'd think that this would mean no one
would ever see each other, but really that is not the
case.  For necesity of food, water, and rest, players
could never go too far into the wilderness alone
(except for rangers and exploring types).

Wow, I rambled on for a bit...

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