May a bug

Subject: May a bug
From: chad_emerald (
Date: Sat Oct 21 2000 - 21:14:02 EEST

Ok I downloaded your latest files, 'Majik3d-0.4.0' and unzipped them. I ran the software at which time it goes to the first black dos screen and then the second loads up. Instead of seeing anything it just show a black screen. I went through your F.A.Q. and there was no notes on this type of error so I thought I should ask. Attached is screen shots of what I'm speaking of. 

I know that you guys are doing this for free and I thought I might be able to offer my services. I currently work for Blizzard Entertainment in the Quality Assuriance Dept. and becuase of this I think I can help with overall bug testing (as you might know Diablo II had enough of them). I also know 3D level design and would love to see how your editor works and see if I can design an area or two for you to look at (I'm not sure what editor your using or if your allowing people to design areas for you or not). If you are please let me know where I can get a copy of this editor and I'll start making some areas for you to see if I have the skills your looking for.

I have played with the options to see if I can get up and running but as of yet it's a no go. My system information is as follows:

256k of RAM
Voodoo 3 video card
20 gig hard drive (Maxtor)

Not sure if you need anything else.

The steps to recreat this bug was as stated above :). Booting up the program (lol).

Thanks and I hope to hear from you soon,

James Chadwick
Blizzard Entertainment
(909) 678-2834
(949) 955-1380 ext: 1326 - home email (weekends) - work email (Mon-Fri)

By the way, if I hit "F1" durring the operation of Majik it will crash. That error screen is also attached.

Ok forget the screen shots because the server wont take the size.. Dang.

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