
Subject: join
From: Pd (
Date: Wed Oct 04 2000 - 19:16:36 EEST

    Hi, I write you because I'd like to help. I was a programmer. I tell 
you about me. I'm spanish and my name is Pedro David, but i normally use 
pd as nick. i'm 22.

  I usually program in c++. As target plataform, i know something of 
unix, but i program more on Windows. But if i need to learn something 
else, there isn't problems.
  The compiler that i use is cygwin. Is a compiler that is based on unix 
and win32. Of course, if i need another compiler, i can change to do it 
more easily.

  Well, i'd like to work as a programmer.
  Please, e-mail me saying something, if i can do something or not. My 
e-mail is:

note: is the server down? i can't connect...

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