Fw: Majik Design Interest

Subject: Fw: Majik Design Interest
From: Shannon Pettit (halo1on1@earthlink.net)
Date: Sun Sep 17 2000 - 05:40:08 EEST

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Shannon Pettit 
To: majik@majik3d.org 
Sent: Saturday, September 16, 2000 10:38 PM
Subject: Majik Design Interest


I am Shannon Pettit and have been following Majik in the background for about three months now. I have been constantly reading the Design list and have enjoyed hearing some of the frugal ideas that have came up. However, some area's have been continually overlooked that I feel makes a completely dynamic and in-depth RPG. Mainly in the economic and social aspects. I was hoping to beable to get subscription ability to this list in hopes of brining some white-paper work in on it in a few area's. I am currently working on the economics design team for WorldForge, aswell as doing heavy building work for TEC and will be doing economic and skill-set works in TEC3D. Most of my area of expertise is in the In-Character economic functions of RPG's and in helping games become more IC'ly self-sufficient. This is one area I would greatly enjoy assisting your design teams creative thoughts in, with hopes of building my dream of seeing a game that requires no GM interaction via economics and NPC shopkeepers, trainers, etc.. This goal has been remotely achieved in text-based gaming, using ColdC code. Though the limits of text do greatly harness the capabilities of such an effort. Hopefully, I can be of great aid in designing white paper ideas for economic features and in creating a self-sufficient economic and enviromental area in Majik. 

Shannon Pettit

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