RE: When will the server go up?

Subject: RE: When will the server go up?
From: Jari Saukkonen (
Date: Sun Aug 27 2000 - 21:17:15 EEST

> Hi, i wanted to know when you will fix your server? I'd love to
> try out your game, but i, and everyone else, cannot because of
> the server, do you have an estimated date when you will have it
> back up? (i'd be using the windows version if it matters)

I kicked the server up again so feel free to try it out. However, I can't
guarantee the server's stability so it may go down without notice.

++ dazzt

Jari Saukkonen + | Coral
programming, music, keyboards, web, demos,  b5 | Nah-kolor
dazzt @ Majik3D RPG | Majik

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