Bug Report / Tech Support

Subject: Bug Report / Tech Support
From: Jeff (JefferyH@charter.net)
Date: Fri Jul 28 2000 - 08:39:29 EEST

  I'm having difficulty running the Windows version of Majik3D v0.4.0.  After I enter the program and it begins to load, it gives me a message about loading the configuration, and an error which follows as "Illegal mode passed to ssgSimpleState::disable(2912)".  In the FAQ, section 4.7, it states I should be able to continue on anyways.
  Shortly after, a message, too quick for any human eye to read, flashes below the error message previously stated and then the program quits. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  My configuration file is included to be sure there is no mistake I have brought on.  Thank you.


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