Hey (fwd)

Subject: Hey (fwd)
From: Tommi Leino (namhas@taikatech.com)
Date: Mon Jul 10 2000 - 12:20:39 EEST

Tommi Leino <namhas@taikatech.com>
Principal Software Specialist, Taika Technologies Ltd.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sun, 09 Jul 2000 21:34:19 PDT
From: Tim Lackhouse <devilsminion@hotmail.com>
To: namhas@majik3d.org
Subject: Hey

Hello, I just want to say is that Majik 3D looks VERY promising, and I 
encourage you to keep working. I am currently subscribed to EverQuest, and 
it is still a very good game, but Majik 3D looks as if it will greatly 
surpass EverQuest. If Majik 3D is as you describe it, then I will be sure to 
get it, and others will also.

-Tim Lackhouse

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