bug.pc freezes after a short time of connection

Subject: bug.pc freezes after a short time of connection
From: sanibto (sanbito@teleline.es)
Date: Tue Jun 13 2000 - 22:36:42 EEST

Hi, this is sanibto reporting a bug.
First my system:

AMD K2-400
64 M RAM
3D Blaster Savage 4
(currently working with the last drivers of GLSetup for the Savage)

The version of Majik3d is 0.4.0

I've tried with the deafult settings. My desktop is at 1024x768 16bits
(I had it at 32but changed it to 16 to see if that was the cause)

The game starts right. A MSDOS windows popups and shows:
"Reading configuration from: majik3d.ini
 Illegal mode passed to ssgSimpleState::disable<2912>"
Then the game window appears and it works for a while until the PC
freezes. No response at all, no mouse moving, and CTRL+ALT+DEL doesn't work.
I need to press the reset button.

I've tried three times, in one of them the freezing came before I had
typed my name. In the other two I was able of moving, switching to first and
third person views, opening the menu...All worked fine...till the hang up that

I've read the FAQ and it don't seems any of the bugs posted.

Off topic, I really like the look of the game, and the screenshots and
art work are great.

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