Interested in helping out

Subject: Interested in helping out
From: Whisper (
Date: Fri May 05 2000 - 10:28:55 EEST

Hey Majik Development team,

i am a graphics artist who is versed in 2D drawnig and also photoshop,
web design, perl and a bit of java.  Also Iam dabbling in 3d and it
seems a bit promising.  I was wondering if you would be interested in my
skills (page is at if I can ask a small (actually
large) favor.

I was always hoping I could make my own RP world and though I have a
friend working with me on my own right now, I still do not have the
know-how nor the experience to do much on the programming scale.  I was
hoping to learn more and actually find otu what I need to run either a
2d or 3d world.  I'm not intending on using the same engine as Majik of
course, however whatever I learn with your team that would be
implemented in my own game would (of course) be credited with your

I hope you are not offended and I hope I can be of service to you.  I
love drawing fantasy creatures, Dragons, pegasi, and soemtimes magii

~Moon (or you can call me Whisper)

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