Majik3D Developer List

Subject: Majik3D Developer List
From: Max Watson (
Date: Mon Feb 28 2000 - 17:33:09 EET

Hello Majik3D people -

I am interested in becoming a developer for Majik3D. I have downloaded
the client source and built it. There are a few things I would like to
fix, but I do not want to duplicate the efforts of other coders by
hacking on an old client. Is it possible to get subscribed to the devel
mailing list, and get the latest code?
I do have some skills coding. I have written a few small games (some of
which are at and done some minor coding on the
GNOME desktop. (Mostly gnome-games and the window manager API). I work
on Linux, Mac, and BeOS in asm, C, C++, and scheme.

Thanks for your consideration,
Max  Watson <>

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