To many questions

Subject: To many questions
From: Geoff Mitchell (
Date: Tue Feb 15 2000 - 11:39:46 EET

Dear all

I work for a small start up ISP in England delivering Internet access via
ADSL together with the Video On Demand system that the company started
with, see the web page for more details. My role is
the development of services that we can offer to our customers, obviously
we want to stand out from the crowd so that we can attract as many
customers as possible to make money. Because of this I have been looking
for some sort of online world that can justify spending time on line which
off sets the cost of the ADSL compared to call charges. This I would want
running on Linux because all of our servers run Linux, and personnaly I
wouldn't allow an NT box near the cluster. :-) Having played Everquest I
can see how this can become adictive I am looking for something in this vain.

So I come to what you are doing. Okay, I only have the power to recommend
having proved a service but I like what I have seen. With this I mind, and
being a basic 'C' programmer as well, I was wondering if

	a) If I could have a copy of the server to test
	b) Is there any other things that you would need other than programmers
that a sponser could provide assuming I could get the company I work for

Remember, I can not promise anything and do not want to get hopes up, but
working by the open source model a company that took on such a thing could
use it for advertising purposes. This I can use to argue the case for
providing this service to our customers free. With this in mind I may be
able to get something out of it, even if it is only a hosted machine :-).

Geoff Mitchell
Internet Systems Administrator
Videonetworks Ltd
Unit 8 - 10
Oxgate Centre
Oxgate Lane

Tel :- 0208 955 2122
email :-

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