the server

Subject: the server
From: Brandon Mathis (
Date: Fri Dec 17 1999 - 21:05:31 EET

  I know from reading the FAQ that your development is going towards making
one 'world' and not a world system.  But is it possible to take the system,
and make a different world from it?   Even if many of the Majik world are
hard-coded into the server, couldn't those things be changed for a different
set of rules?

I'm asking because I'm very very interested in looking at the code to see
how you are doing things.  I've been creating my own MUD, using LPMUD (I
really don't understand why people use the other, less configurable mud
drivers), and I'm starting to become disillusioned by its limitations.  I'm
wanting to learn how to use graphics, and move away from text based

I know my way around C++ pretty well (although since I've become a developer
at the company I work for we are using VB for everything and my C++ skills
are getting slightly rusty).

Anyway, what I'm getting at, is can I get on your mailing list, and look at
your source code?  


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